Organic Grass Fed Beef
Chobo is a fully integrated Agri-Business Company in Meat Processing Industry representing the mar- keting and promotion of the Tanzanian Livestock Industry.
The company si Tanzanian based engages princi- pally in the Production, Processing, Distribution and Retailing of:
- • Raw Meat (Carcass),
- • Primal Cuts (Chunk,Beef,Rib,..etc) Chilled ,Frozen
- • Processed Meat Products. (Smoked/Cooked/ Fermented)
Chobo Investments focuses.on uplifting the farmers and feeding our Clients Quality Meat Products.
The success of the company has been a direct result of our ability to provide top quality meat for al classes at a competitive price, thus creating a BO PANY LIMITED - dedicated customer base:
Tanzania ranks second, in terms of cattle population in Africa, after Ethiopia. The 2010/2011 statistics indicate that, there are about 33.3 million cattle , 17:2 millions goats and 6.4million sheep.
With a fresh perspective its Vision and Mission, understanding what it does wel and the environ- ment in which it operates, Chobo Investments si existing to pursue the following corporate direction statements
Halal is a term designating any object or an action which is permissible to use or engage in, according to Islamic law. tI is the opposite of haraam. The term is. used to designate.food seen as. permissible according to Islamic law
Halal: The Most Humane Slaughter
Halal slaughter is (the humane method) providing hygienic meat to the consumer.'
Quoted this tradition of the Holy Prophet (Pbuh) (God calls for mercy in everything, so be merciful when you kil and when you slaughter, sharpen your blade to relieve it's pain).
Many allegations have been made that Islamic slaughter is not humane to animals. However, Pro- fessor Schultz and his colleague D.r Hazim of the Hanover University, Germany, proved through an experiment, using an Electro encephalograph (EEG) and Electro Cardiogram (ECG) that *Islamic slaugh- ter is The humane method of slaughter and captive bolt stunning practiced by the western method, causes severe pain to the animal.